category : Responsible waste management, recycling and environmentally friendly behaviour
The path of energy from the source to our home is the following: sun – sun rays – solar panel – appliances at home; power plant – wires and electric poles – electrical installation at home – appliances.
Producers of electricity can be: thermal power plant, hydroelectric power plant, nuclear power plant, solar panels, and wind turbines.
We, the people in our homes or the production of products and machines in various factories are consumers of electricity.
There are many ways to save energy and here are some of them:
1. Take a shower instead of a bath.
When bathing you can use up to 90 litters of water, this is just for one wash! Power and energy are needed to heat the water, which is used in both baths and showers. However, taking a shower uses 3.5 times less water than a bathtub. Switching to a shower is a great way to save energy while staying clean.
2. Restrict electronic use.
The summer months are a great time for children to take a break from electronics and play outside. When devices are used less frequently, they do not require as much charging time. This means that less of our electricity is used to power electronics.
3. Turn off everything when we are not in our room.
When lights, TVs, computers, video games, and other devices are left on and unused, they use electricity. A simple way to save energy is to be responsible for turning off all lights and devices when leaving a room for more than a few minutes. This not only makes us more aware of how our actions affect the environment, but also builds practical habits for energy saving.
4. Keep windows and blinds closed.
During the warmer months, it is especially important to keep your windows and blinds closed during the day. When the windows remain closed, the heat stays outside and the air conditioner stays inside. In addition, blinds can block the heat from the sun and keep our homes cooler on warm days. This also helps to save energy, as the energy used to power the air conditioner is not lost for outdoor cooling. We can make an effort by checking the windows in the morning and making sure they are closed during the day.
5. Planting a tree
Planting trees can provide our home with shade and offer a lower indoor temperature. The shade of a tree can allow us to use less air conditioning and save energy in our home.
How to save energy at school
1. To ride a bike or go to school
Driving a car takes a lot of fuel to get to our destination and produces a lot of carbon dioxide. It is good practice for older students to ride a bike or walk to school.
2. Use both sides of a sheet of paper
Going back to school means buying school supplies! It is important to be aware of how the items we use every day affect the environment. Paper production, disposal and wear have many environmental impacts. Only 1 kilogram of paper requires 324 liters of water for production. The resources used to make paper could instead be used to power our homes and give us more electricity. We can save energy at school by using less paper and make sure we use both sides.
3. We use a water bottle or reusable juice
Using reusable bottles is a great way to save energy and reduce waste. Plastic bottles take a lot of oil and energy to produce. They create huge amounts of waste. In just one week, enough plastic bottles are used to pack the world five times.
4. Recycling
Recycling not only helps the environment, but also saves energy. When materials are recycled, they can be used to create new products. This allows 30% less energy to be used in making products.
5. Ask your teacher to help with classroom work
A great way for students to take responsibility at school is through classroom work. Some good ideas that help save energy are “The Electrician” and “IT”. The electrician is responsible for turning the lights on and off at the right time, as well as when the whole class is not in the room. The IT specialist ensures that all computers are turned off at the end of the day so that unnecessary energy is not used.