category : Biodiversity and nature preservation
What rights do animals have and what?
The right to feel good – for example, not to feel discomfort;
The right to have their natural behavior – for example, to be with their family or herd;
The right not to be afraid – for example, to be calm in their natural environment, not to be afraid of human activity (fireworks, hunting, circus, etc.);
The right not to feel pain;
The right to food and water.
Animal protection organizations
One of the most famous international animal protection organizations is PETA. What is PETA and what does its name mean: each letter has a certain meaning.
P – People; We are all born in different latitudes and we have our own characteristics, but we accept that all human beings share basic values such as respect for life.
E – Ethics – ethics; we have been taught the golden rule as young children, and all major religions teach the principles of nonviolence and kindness. More than a century ago, Charles Darwin showed that all beings have the same common ancestor. All beings share the desire for life. We all experience pain, joy, sorrow and pleasure. We all have value.
T – Treatment – attitude: All beings desire and have the right to freedom to live a natural life, according to their inherent desires and instincts.
A – animals – We all have animal origins; Human beings have unique abilities – many beings can learn languages, enjoy complex social relationships, sacrifice pleasure for the good of others, use tools, imagine and dream, remember information, play with friends, enjoy intimacy.
Some creatures have great abilities beyond ours – in navigation, endurance, communication and discovery of natural phenomena. We still don’t fully understand how all beings think – or what they think – but rejecting their mental world as less developed, rational, moral, or intelligent than ours is a mistake.
Despite our various abilities, no living thing deserves to be abused. In the same way, all beings deserve freedom and respect, not because they share the characteristics we admire in ourselves, but because they are living beings. We share the same evolution
Origin, we inhabit the same Earth and are governed by the same laws of nature. We are all the same.
Green Balkans Organization (Bulgaria)
Green Balkans Organization (Bulgaria)
Green Balkans is a leading organization in the field of conservation of rare species and habitats in Bulgaria. There is provided protection and treatment of injured birds and wildlife, which has a base near the city of Stara Zagora. The base usually treats 30 to 100 birds and animals. When they recover, they are released once it is ensured that they can re-adapt to their ecosystem. More than 150 projects for the protection of Bulgarian nature with more than 30 years of history have been implemented.
African elephants and their conservation
The African savannah elephant is currently listed as endangered by the IUCN Red List. The red list includes 134,425 species, of which 37,480 are endangered. African elephants play a key role in ecosystems and economies around the world.
Zoos: useful or harmful
There is still much debate about the role and function of zoos. Some consider them the last place where endangered species can find protection, they are given special care. Others believe that this is a painful place for animals, where they are deprived of their natural environment and freedom.
Visiting a zoo can create a certain attitude in children and people – such as to evoke sympathy or increase interest in a species and its need for burrow. On the other hand, closed and crowded zoos are a torture for the animals themselves.