category : Biodiversity and nature preservation
Domestic animals such as dogs, cats and cattle have adapted for generations to live with humans. They are genetically different from their wild ancestors.
Domestication of animals is divided into three main groups: domestication for friendship (dogs and cats), animals kept for food (sheep, cows, pigs, turkeys, etc.) and working or draft animals (horses, donkeys, camels).
Pets have certain traits that make them easy to raise:
Examples of pets are: cow, chicken, goat, horse, dog, goose, turkey and others.
Wild animals have the following traits: they belong to a group of animals that have never been domesticated. Wild animals live in their natural environment without human intervention. When raised in captivity, their behavior may change due to their closeness to humans, but they remain wild.
Examples of wild animals and birds are: brown bear, lion, fox, deer, hedgehog, eagle and others.
Habitat is an environment that is favourable for a particular species of animal species. According to their habitat, animals can be divided into:
The different habitat types of terrestrial animals are as follows:
2. Forest animals in temperate climates – The most common species of animals in temperate forests are moose, marmots, bears, deer, lynx, owls and others.
3. Arctic tundra animals – here we find limited species of tundra animals such as sheep, goats, foxes, polar bears, marmots, grey wolves, caribou, birds and more.
4. Pasture animals – Pastures are home to thousands of animals and birds. There are two different types of pastures found on Earth: tropical pastures (African savannah) in which they live – tropical pastures provide shelter for many animals such as giraffes, zebras, lions, rhinos, elephants, etc. .; Pastures in temperate zones – temperate pastures are a natural habitat for animals such as gazelles, rabbits, deer, mice, various species of snakes and more.
5. Desert Animals – Undoubtedly, the camel is the king of the desert. In addition to camels, other animals such as kangaroos, foxes, antelopes, goats, coyotes, rabbits, snakes, various species of lizards and more found in desert habitats.
6. Mountain animals – The different species of animals in mountainous areas are brown and black bears, mountain goats, antelopes, sheep with big horns, grizzly bears, mountain lions and more.
7. Aquatic animals – aquatic animals are divided into two types: freshwater animals – In rivers and streams live many animals such as otters, turtles, swans, green ducks, dolphins and various species of fish, etc. .; In the lakes and streams, as well as in the swamps live salmon, great crested newt, great flamingo, trout, common frog, platypus, etc. .;
8. Wetland animals – This habitat is home to various animals such as larks, palm newts, butterflies, swallows, mute swans, grass snakes, catfish, etc. .; Saltwater animals – salt water provides shelter for some species of aquatic fish, mammals, birds and insects such as sharks, sharks, spider webs, seals, stingrays.
9. Marine animals – mammals, vertebrates, invertebrates, reptiles;
10. Animals inhabiting the ocean area – The habitat in the open ocean includes various aquatic animals such as blue whales, narwhals, olive turtles, manta rays, salmon, guinea pigs, albatrosses, sharks, flying fish and more.
11. Coral reef animals – Coral reefs are home to various marine animals such as frogs, starfish, sea crabs, sea dragons and more.
12. Animals inhabiting the deep ocean area – The common animals in the deep ocean area are – sea devil, ray fish and various species of snakes.
13. Tree Animals – The most common tree animals include monkeys, possums, numerous rodents, chameleons, tree snakes, koalas, sloths, parrots, geckos, various insects and birds.
14. Amphibians – Animals such as frogs and salamanders belong to the group of amphibians.
15. Air Animals – Birds. There is a huge variety of aerial animals such as crows, pigeons, sparrows, eagles and more.
We can take care of wild animals in many ways, such as: planting trees; we keep clean when we are in nature, we put feeders with food in unfavourable conditions; we collect our garbage; we adopt an animal; we always take action; we donate support for biodiversity